Full Throttle Ministry

We believe God is not mad at you, but He is mad about you! He loves you! And He has a plan for your life!

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Our Mission

Helping people find Jesus through providing track side chapel services, guidance and teaching  to love people the way God loves us … Unconditionally!

Our Vision

We believe Christians, those that follow Christ, are called to be the salt & light of the world. We want to know Christ and make Christ known.

Hello Fellow Believers!!

Dan & Lisa Jones here with “Full Throttle Ministry”.  We are founders of Full Throttle Ministry (FTM ) and have been faithfully serving in this Ministry for about 9 1/2 years!  My wife (Lisa) is a special education Teacher, and I am currently working as a Automobile Technician in Fresno California. We live in Madera Ranchos, California.

God is calling Me, Dan into full-time ministry.  We run this track-side ministry to reach out to the lost, help disciple believers and encourage all to get plugged in to a Church somewhere.  We are taking the Gospel outside the walls of the Church buildings.  We also do weddings, funerals, and a lot of hospital visitation and pray for families.  The Motocross world is a culture. It’s what we call our Moto Family.  Over the past 9 years we have seen people get saved and have help disciple a lot of believers.  We also conduct a home Bible study. We host events at our home at times – BBQ’s, Swim parties, etc. 

I would like to ask you to prayerfully consider supporting “FTM” financially so I could go full-time and be available to people and tracks and help further the kingdom of God. We believe we should live life with “Purpose & Passion” and that’s what we are doing.


We want to continue to Know Jesus and make him Known outside the walls of the Church. Before this ministry, I was a Youth Pastor for about 25 years. I love Ministry!!

Thanks & God Bless!!